FC Bayern – Mapping | Allianz Arena
After the last game of the year 2016, FC Bayern München had something special in mind to say ‚Danke‘ to their fans and supporters. A diverse projection mapping with 3D illusions covering the pitch in a retrospect of the last season and won trophies while celebrating the current team. Slowing down for a performance of the Tölzer Knabenchor in a christmas landscape after a short glimpse into Bavarian culture. And finally a grand ‚Danke‘ from the club and the team to the fan culture and their supporters.
Date: 21.12.2016
Client: FC Bayern München AG (Executive Board Member: Andreas Jung | Director Media, Digital and Communication: Stefan Mennerich | Head of Events: Doris Kintrup
Creative Director: gewi - Thomas Gemeinwieser
Art Director: Lichtgestalten - Dominik Schatz, Philipp Kaiser
Technical Planning / Technical Provider / Hardware: Wilhelm & Whilhalm Event Technik - Katharina Maercks
Executive Director: MUSIC COMPANY Media Productions OHG - Philipp Diehl-Thiele
Video Mapping / Animations: loop light GmbH - Matt Finke, Matthias Etz
Stream / Documentation: MM FILM & VIDEO Manfred Müller GmbH - Gerhard Friedrich
Composer: audio video disco – sound solutions - Daniel Requardt
Editor: Monika Stoeger, Helmar Jungmann
Set Designer: KRAUSS messe & event – Felix Krauss, Katrin Krauss, Michael Holzer
LED Boards: AIM Sport AG
Thanks To: Allianz Arena München Gmbh, Stephan Lehmann, EVISCO AG, FC BAYERN Jugendspieler, Tölzer Knabenchor, DO & CO München GmbH, Joseph Vilsmaier